Should you even bother with a blog?

Blogs are a great way of driving traffic to your website through social media and e-marketing positioning you as an expert in your field and communicating your key messages.

Should you even bother with a blog?

Blogging and posting relevant content is an incredibly useful tool to increase traffic to your website and to your services. With the help of SEO strategies like keywords, titles, meta descriptions, blog posts become a powerful tool for gaining visibility for your brand. In addition, every new blog you post adds a new page to your website. That helps with SEO because Google and other search engines like freshness, and new content scores highly. By writing a blog you gain the ability to regularly add new content to your site, something that will keep the search engines happy and will help your rankings.

It doesn’t have to be an onerous chore blogs can be fun. You aren’t creating a press release, white paper or feature response. Not only does this give you creative license with how you write but also what you write about, and you can take a more relaxed stance and tone of voice.

Another aspect to blog writing is promotion. A blog can be perfectly written; amusing and unique but, the fact is, none of this matters if it’s just sat on your website with no visitors. Bitly is a great tool for compressing these URLs and then sending out the links via your social media. This has two benefits; a lively social media feed and, hopefully, increased website traffic.

The final consideration is length. People aren’t looking to scroll for ages through endless information. Something fairly short, but not less than 300/400 words, informative and entertaining is all that’s needed. Remember, it’s as much about getting people’s interest in your website in its entirety as it is for divulging information.

And what to write about – well have a brainstorm with your team if you have one.  What would your customers find interesting, educational or amusing? Make a list and you have the start of your blog schedule which can be refined by taking into account what else is going on in the world and key dates in the calendar.

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Posted by Diane Sealey
Diane Sealey
Science academic and scientific research writer, Diane made the move into technical writing within a Scientific Research & Development Group back in 1990 where she honed her PR skills in-house working across eight companies, establishing her own company in 1994. 20 years on she continues to be an energetic and creative specialist with in-depth experience in communications. Results-oriented with excellent interpersonal skills she is able to forge relationships at all levels. Skills include the ability to generate and leverage opportunities, sell ideas and communicate complex concepts with flair. She loves working for companies of all sizes including start-ups, blue-chip clients and US companies seeking growth in European markets.

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